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Ethnically motivated incidents in Kosovo and Metohija, 2021 Negotiation process with Pristina Operational Factsheet
Time elapsed since assuming the obligation of establishing CSM
Year Month Week Day
11 136 591 4140


Pursant to Regulation on the Office for Kosovo and Metohija ("Off. Gazette no. 75/12, 123/12 and 100/13); Article 31, Point 1 of the Law on Government (" Official Gazette of RS ", no. 55 / 05, 71/05 - correction, 101/07, 65/08, 16/11 and 68/12 - US); and Article 37 of the Law on Ministries ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 72/12), the Government of the Republic of Serbia established the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. Article 2 of the Regulation provides that the Office performs professional tasks for the needs of the Government and relevant ministries related to:

  • Functioning of the institutions of the Republic of Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija;
  • Education, health, social policy, culture, infrastructure, system of local self-governments and telecommunications in Serbian areas in Kosovo and Metohija;
  • The operation of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo and Metohija;
  • Reconstruction and protection of spiritual and cultural heritage;
  • Financial, legal, technical and personnel assistance in all areas of significance for Serbs and other non-Albanian communities in Kosovo and Metohija;
  • Cooperation with the Commissioner for Refugees in the part related to the internally displaced persons from Kosovo and Metohija;
  • Cooperation with civil and military mission of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK and KFOR) pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija performs professional and operational tasks in the negotiations process with the Provisional institutions of Self-Government in Priština related to:

  • Implementation of the agreements reached in the dialogue and negotiations process;
  • Preparation of draft acts of the Government, implementation and monitoring of acts of the Government;
  • Coordination with the authorities and organizations related to the negotiations process, and in implementing the enacted acts of the Government; other tasks.
The Order of St. Sava of the First Class
Office for Kosovo and Metohija was decorated with the Order of St. Sava of the First Class, as the highest recognition awarded by the Serbian Orthodox Church.

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija took over the scope of the Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija, which ceased to operate pursuant to Article 35, Point 4 of the Law on Ministries ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 72/12), whose scope was determined under Art. 18 of the Law on Ministries ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 16/2011). Additionally, the Office also took over the scope of the Office for Expert and Operational Tasks in the Negotiations Process ("RS Official Gazette", No. 100/2013).

Ethnically motivated incidents in Kosovo and Metohija, 2021 Negotiation process with Pristina Operational Factsheet
Time elapsed since assuming the obligation of establishing CSM
Year Month Week Day
11 136 591 4140